Engage, Connect, and Inspire Your Audience
Award Winning Speaker | Author | Sales Specialist
Unlock the power of your team's true potential!
Invite Jimmy Z to launch your next event,
conference, or workshop.
Photo by markandshellyphotography.com

Hi, I'm Jimmy, Jimmy Z ...
Speaker | Author | Sales Specialist
People hire me to deliver an impactful experience that engages their audience to discover clarity, purpose, and new potential in business and in life. Primary topics that instill new strategies to
grow yourself and your business:
How to Invite Influence Into Your Life
Develop Your Personal Board of Directors
Stop Trying to Close the Sale!
​Shift Your Perspective From Transaction to Relationship
How to Be Welcome Anywhere
Leave Value Wherever You Go
Cast a Vision that Ignites Your Team & Community
Don't Let Others Tells Your Story
My passion is mentorship, leadership, and sales development with a focus on building others up on their journey to become more than they ever thought they could be.
Prepare to make a difference in the world around you!

"Leadership doesn't come from headlines or spotlights. It's the influence that's formed in your daily decisions."
Whether it's showing people effective ways to connect with each other, or how to identify the most important perspective in every conversation, Jimmy is an engaging story-teller, with practical applications and proven strategies to help you grow as an individual and as an organization.
Jimmy Z
Keynote: Leadership in Today's Environment
National Mentoring Day Message
All Videos

National Mentoring Day

